Why this?

I write a new song every week. I’ve done it for over a year now and something is stirring inside of me and poking me to share these songs, this art, my process. This is my spiritual practice. I feel closer to God and my purpose when I sit alone and dedicate a time and space to usher in a chord progression, a melody, and some lyrics. It’s the mystery of what will come, where it comes from, and how it comes that has me captivated in the process. It’s not easy, it’s rarely fun, it often requires suffering to push through until completion, and I’d guess that’s why it feels so special to me. Most things I treasure in my life came from the other side of a challenge. I am now a husband and a father, we own and operate a farm and retreat center in the mountains on the north coast of Colombia. Everyday holds a new adventure, a new obstacle, and an endless list of things to do or work on. That’s why I am committed to to create a new song and share my heart with y’all here on the internet once a week. Because if I don’t make it a priority, life just keeps happening and things that are really important to us will be pushed to the side.

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to write the things my heart's been saying in the dark, and send it on a rocket ship to space... 1 song and 1 blog every week from yours truly, xogb


I write and share a new song every week, it always comes with a blog post!